Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Story of Stuff

Story of stuff awakens each and everyone of us to stop too much consumerism and help fix the environment. It shows how mindless people are becoming nowadays. They consume too much from the environment but they don't give something back to it. If we could just learn to love the environment and save it from devastation maybe the next generation can still enjoy the warmth love of mother nature. As an mechanical engineer, I would help mother earth on my own way. I would design products that would be eco-friendly and mechanical by heart. The way to help is an automobile that does not use any fuel so that we would never use fuels anymore because what we need today is renewable energy so that we can fight climate change!!

Here is a link to help you realize what are the effects of becoming a materialistic person to the environment!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Movie Lesson

A week ago I watched the movie 11th Hour and it showed how the human race devastate his own planet. The movie shows how self-centered  a man can be to satisfy himself and neglect all other things that will be affected. We call this generation the "the stupid age" because we were all warned that things will be worst if we won't destroy the factors that will affect global warming. Maybe it's too late for a new beginning because of those mindless people who won't give any respect to nature. All they know is that industrialization is the key for development. They don't see the big picture of what might happen to people who will leave for the next generations. 
If we are one with nature, we can do everything as long as maintain the balance between you and mother nature.